Well then
This is seriously out of date.
I have been granted visiting scholar status at the AMNH, to research my next book. The back-0f-house of the museum is full of amazing things, though, sadly, I don’t have access to them all, to just peer in all the cupboards, boxes and jars. I […]
I wrote a book about magnets, magnetism, Mesmer, obsession, navigation, the Admiralty, Wile E. Coyote, and eating refrigerator letters. Among other things. Order online (amazon, bloomsbury, powell’s) or look for it at a bookstore near you.
There are few publishing houses which can make one feel enchanted, and they don’t come along very often. (I’ve ‘met’ two others in my lifetime.) To create such a mystery requires foresight and intent, yet to understand this, what is one to do? To be […]
I get off the ferry in the relentless drizzle. Again, I had been the only non-local on the boat, eliciting many a sideways glance from the adults and the usual more blatant interest from the small children. Arriving at the muddy brown port, it was […]
It’s strange to have written so little about The Adelphi Project in the past year. Having read 341 books or so (a few more now), and having spent so much time thinking about everything even slightly related, I still seem to forget to bring you […]
For five days in February I sit behind the rough stock gates at the rodeo in San Antonio, Texas. I watch the bull riders, the saddle bronc and bareback bronc riders. I know who supplies the stock, I recognize some of the cattle. I’ve […]